Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics can help many conditions
Custom orthotics can help with a variety of musculoskeletal complaints ranging from plantar fasciitis to mechanical lower back pain. They are prescription medical devices that you wear inside your shoes to correct biomechanical problems with the foot such issue with how you walk, stand, or run. Primarily, Dr. Abbate will recommend these to patients that have had recurring or resilient complaints. These are intended to supplement care that Dr. Abbate provides.
They can also help with your foot pain caused by medical conditions such as diabetes, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and arthritis.
Rigid orthotics, or "functional orthotics," are made from materials like plastic or carbon fiber. They're best for walking shoes or dress shoes with closed toes and low heels. This kind of orthotic is designed to ease foot aches and strains as well as pain in the legs, thighs, and lower back that you might feel if your foot doesn't work like it should.
Source: WebMD, Shoe Orthotics for Foot Problems
Custom Orthotics is available from Dr. Frank W Abbate.